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Welcome to the April -- June 2014 Project. Spring is on our doorstep, and it seems like a good theme would be "Leaves." Your painting must be painted specifically for this project and be watermedia. Submit your images to me via email. Send title and comments about the paintings and painting process. Let me know if it is okay to link your email address when I add your image to the project page. The project end date is Jun 30, 2014.


The images on this page are protected by copyright law. Any use without the expressed consent of the artist is prohibited!!!

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Rich Stedman

"Memories Of Vail"

I was on a bus tour coming back from the Balloon Festival in Albeurquerqe, NM last October.  We stopped in Vail, CO for lunch. It had just snowed a little. The streets were clean as they have under ground heaters to melt the snow. I looked down and saw this aspen leaf with water drops on it and knew I had to try and paint it. This is the results. Painted on Saunders Waterford cold press 140#, 14" x 10". Da Vinci transparent watercolor with a touch of white gouache for highlights.

Rich's Web Site

Email Rich

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Deborah Holmes


Decided for this project to use Yupo.  The painting was done with leaves from my back yard tree, covered with different color greens and yellow of heavy watercolor paints and pressed onto the Yopu. The tree trunk and branches were painted on with a twig.   It was a little messy (I still have shades of green on my fingers) but fun to do.

Email Deborah

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Randy Emmons

"The Silvers Are Running"

Although the leaves are not the center of interest they are the majority of the painting. This is a half sheet of Waterford paper.

Randy's Web Site

Email Randy

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Mary Ann Madley


This plant was sitting on the cement floor of a greenhouse I visited. The plant may be in the croton family. Thank you for all the time you spend on project sites and The Order of The Brush site.

Email Mary

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Mary Maltman

"Friend or Foe"

Watercolor titled Friend or Foe. I hate seeing them in my yard, but then I remember my mom and her dandelion root beer and salads with dandelion greens. Makes me smile.

Email Mary

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Maury Kettell

"Summer Is Gone"

I like to paint things--whatever manner of things that strike my attention. I love leaves because they tell me a lot about this life journey. They herald the coming summer and the approaching winter. They remind of the rhythm of this life--good, bad, warm, cold, happy, sad--that is how life goes. I did this painting on a Strathmore pad--don't really like the surface, but it was what I had at the time. The size is 9" x 12".

Email Maury

