What You Will Find
Welcome to Watercolor Passion. I've tried to make this a different site--it is dedicated to the artist struggle--and the passion I feel about my watercolor journey. Good art doesn't come easy--it takes time, dedication, a lot of hard work, and I think that means we must have a passion about what we do. We can't be luke warm about this watercolor business. We have to be passionate about it. As I cruise the Internet, I see many artists pages, and see some great artwork. But I don't see much about each artist's fight to reach the best within themselves, or even their passion about what they do. This page is dedicated to art, watercolor, the fight to find the best within ourselves, and the passion I feel for this watercolor medium and art. This site has been evolving for close to twelve years, and there is much to see. Have a pleasant visit.
Site Features:
- Galleries
- Thoughts on this watercolor journey
- Watercolor demonstration
- Adventures in fly fishing


Here, you will find some of the things I have written over the years about my watercolor journey. Topics range from the watercolor painting process, to life journey, and the nature of learning and growing as a human being.

My Gallery is generally organized around subject matter, Cars and Trucks, Landscape, Old Buildings, Shoes, Nudes, Fly Fishing, and Life Drawing.

Watercolor Demonstration
Read and watch an old truck painting progress from start to finish. There is a great deal of information here concerning the painting process.
